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您好!Systematic 強烈推介!
Cisco 最新認證!CCNA Cyber Ops 國際認可證書課程
Android 程式開發及編寫 (深造) 課程
CCNA Cyber Ops 國際認可證書課程
日期 (dd/mm) 星期 時間 課時  
08/02 - 24/05 7:00pm - 10:00pm 42 小時

現今公司或團體在管理網絡上,不時要面對關於網絡安全上的問題,而負責保護系統的網絡安全人員亦要迅速的發現安全漏洞及針對漏洞作出有效的應對。此類工作需要對不同系統在運作及保安上有一定認識, 始能在面對網絡安全上的威脅時作出有效的檢測和應對。

Cisco 作為全球最大網絡安全設備生產商之一,除了生產各類安全設備外,同時也致力培養網絡安全人材以應對現今的網絡安全威脅。CCNA Cyber Ops (網絡安全運營) 認證可為相關人員提供網絡安全的知識,培養他們成為可在安全運營中心(Security Operations Centers)工作的網絡安全分析師。

取得 CCNA Cyber Ops 認證,可證明你有作為安全運營中心分析師的知識及專業水準,可為公司或團體應對不同網絡安全上的威脅。 此認證的一個特點是內容大部份為基本網絡安全上的知識,而非使用 Cisco 安全設備上的專用知識。因此報讀此課程對現在或將來會或不會使用 Cisco 生產的安全設備均也合適。

課程中部份網絡安全的知識會在課堂上以實例形式通過 Linux / Windows 等等作業系統作出示範,令學員對相關內容有更清晰的認識。

本中心的 Cisco 課程均由 Norman Lau、Franco Tsang 及 Vincent Ho 等多位 CCIE 籌備多時,精心編排。由上堂、溫習、實習、考試研習、做試題至最後考試,均為你度身訂造,作出有系統的編排。務求真正教識你,又令你考試及格。

CCNA Cyber Ops 國際認可證書課程內容

210-250 Understanding Cisco Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Network Concepts

  • Describe the function of the network layers as specified by the OSI and the TCP/IP network models
  • Describe the operation of the following
  • Describe the operation of these network services
  • Describe the basic operation of these network device types
  • Describe the functions of these network security systems as deployed on the host, network, or the cloud
  • Describe IP subnets and communication within an IP subnet and between IP subnets
  • Describe the relationship between VLANs and data visibility
  • Describe the operation of ACLs applied as packet filters on the interfaces of network devices
  • Compare and contrast deep packet inspection with packet filtering and stateful firewall operation
  • Compare and contrast inline traffic interrogation and taps or traffic mirroring
  • Compare and contrast the characteristics of data obtained from taps or traffic mirroring and NetFlow in the analysis of network traffic
  • Identify potential data loss from provided traffic profiles

Security Concepts

  • Describe the principles of the defense in depth strategy
  • Compare and contrast these concepts
  • Describe these terms
  • Describe these security terms
  • Compare and contrast these access control models
  • Compare and contrast these terms
  • Describe these concepts


  • Describe the uses of a hash algorithm
  • Describe the uses of encryption algorithms
  • Compare and contrast symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms
  • Describe the processes of digital signature creation and verification
  • Describe the operation of a PKI
  • Describe the security impact of these commonly used hash algorithms
  • Describe the security impact of these commonly used encryption algorithms and secure communications protocols
  • Describe how the success or failure of a cryptographic exchange impacts security investigation

Host-Based Analysis

  • Define these terms as they pertain to Microsoft Windows
  • Define these terms as they pertain to Linux
  • Describe the functionality of these endpoint technologies in regards to security monitoring
  • Interpret these operating system log data to identify an event

Security Monitoring

  • Identify the types of data provided by these technologies
  • Describe these types of data used in security monitoring
  • Describe these concepts as they relate to security monitoring
  • Describe these NextGen IPS event types
  • Describe the function of these protocols in the context of security monitoring

Attack Methods

  • Compare and contrast an attack surface and vulnerability
  • Describe these network attacks
  • Describe these web application attacks
  • Describe these endpoint-based attacks
  • Describe these evasion methods
  • Define privilege escalation
  • Compare and contrast remote exploit and a local exploit

210-255 Implementing Cisco Cybersecurity Operations

Endpoint Threat Analysis and Computer Forensics

  • Interpret the output report of a malware analysis tool such as AMP Threat Grid and Cuckoo Sandbox
  • Describe these terms as they are defined in the CVSS 3.0
  • Describe these terms as they are defined in the CVSS 3.0
  • Define these items as they pertain to the Microsoft Windows file system
  • Define these terms as they pertain to the Linux file system
  • Compare and contrast three types of evidence
  • Compare and contrast two types of image
  • Describe the role of attribution in an investigation

Network Intrusion Analysis

  • Interpret basic regular expressions
  • Describe the fields in these protocol headers as they relate to intrusion analysis
  • Identify the elements from a NetFlow v5 record from a security event
  • Identify these key elements in an intrusion from a given PCAP file
  • Extract files from a TCP stream when given a PCAP file and Wireshark
  • Interpret common artifact elements from an event to identify an alert
  • Map the provided events to these source technologies
  • Compare and contrast impact and no impact for these items
  • Interpret a provided intrusion event and host profile to calculate the impact flag generated by Firepower Management Center (FMC)

Incident Response

  • Describe the elements that should be included in an incident response plan as stated in NIST.SP800-61 r2
  • Map elements to these steps of analysis based on the NIST.SP800-61 r2
  • Map the organization stakeholders against the NIST IR categories (C2M2, NIST.SP800-61 r2)
  • Describe the goals of the given CSIRT
  • Identify these elements used for network profiling
  • Identify these elements used for server profiling
  • Map data types to these compliance frameworks
  • Identify data elements that must be protected with regards to a specific standard (PCI-DSS)

Data and Event Analysis

  • Describe the process of data normalization
  • Interpret common data values into a universal format
  • Describe 5-tuple correlation
  • Describe the 5-tuple approach to isolate a compromised host in a grouped set of logs
  • Describe the retrospective analysis method to find a malicious file, provided file analysis report
  • Identify potentially compromised hosts within the network based on a threat analysis report containing malicious IP address or domains
  • Map DNS logs and HTTP logs together to find a threat actor
  • Map DNS, HTTP, and threat intelligence data together
  • Identify a correlation rule to distinguish the most significant alert from a given set of events from multiple data sources using the firepower management console
  • Compare and contrast deterministic and probabilistic analysis

Incident Handling

  • Classify intrusion events into these categories as defined by the Cyber Kill Chain Model
  • Apply the NIST.SP800-61 r2 incident handling process to an event
  • Define these activities as they relate to incident handling
  • Describe these concepts as they are documented in NIST SP800-86
  • Apply the VERIS schema categories to a given incident

* The course content above may change at any time without notice in order to better reflect the contents of examinations.


Android 程式開發及編寫 (深造) 課程
傳統課堂服務 (Live Classroom)
日期 (dd/mm) 星期 時間 課時  
07/02 - 07/03 一、三 7:00pm - 10:00pm 24 小時
課堂錄影隨時睇 (Video)
地點 可預約星期及時間  
旺角 一至五:11:30 - 22:30
六及日:10:30 - 21:30
一至五:13:30 - 22:00
六及日:12:30 - 21:00

在 《Android 程式開發及編寫課程》,我們已經教授了 Android 的基礎知識,由基礎語法、換頁、大量控制項、以至將應用程式放上 Android Market 售賣都已經一一掌握,並成功運用以上的基本知識製作了多個範例。

緊接著,在《Android 程式開發及編寫 (深造) 課程》裡,我們會更深入掌握進階的 Android 程式開發技術。首先會教授 Gallery 畫廊、播放音樂及影片、觸控及畫面旋轉技術、相機程式製作、將資料傳送上網並取得回應、ProgressDialog 進度視窗、GPS 配合 Google Map 等等,這些技術將會在此課程內一一教授!

Android 程式開發及編寫 (深造) 課程內容
  • ImageButton 圖片按鈕
  • Gallery 畫廊
  • GridView 格線排版
  • 播放音樂及影片
  • 控制音量大小
  • 觸控技術
  • 相機程式製作
  • 為手機設定背景圖
  • 開機時執行的程式設計
  • 將資料傳送上網
  • 取得網上資料
  • ProgressDialog 進度視窗
  • GPS 配合 Google Map
  • 令程式支援多語系
  • 大量編程實例


九龍旺角亞皆老街 109 號,皆旺商業大廈 18 樓 【自置物業】
(港鐵旺角站 D2 出口,2 分鐘到大堂)

觀塘 電話及地址:3563-8425
九龍觀塘成業街 7 號,寧晉中心 12 樓 G2 室 【自置物業】
(港鐵觀塘站 B1 出口,2 分鐘到大堂)

北角 電話及地址:3580-1893
香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號,華寶商業大廈 3 樓 01-02 號舖 【自置物業】
(港鐵北角站 A2 出口,1 分鐘到大堂)

沙田 電話及地址:2151-9360
新界沙田石門安群街 3 號,京瑞廣場 1 期 10 樓 M 室 【自置物業】
(馬鐵石門站 C 出口,步行 1 分鐘到大堂)

屯門 電話及地址:3523-1560
屯門屯喜路 2 號,柏麗廣場 17 樓 1708 室 【自置物業】
(輕鐵市中心站,步行 4 分鐘到大堂;西鐵屯門站 B 出口,可免費轉乘輕鐵)

Website: https://www.systematic.com.hk

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