CWNA  Training Course Training 課程
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CWNA  Training Course Training 課程
CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程  
CWNA  Training Course Training 課程 CWNA  Training Course Training 課程


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CWNA (Wireless) 國際認可證書課程 (CWNA-109)
課程簡稱:CWNA Training Course

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  • 認證要求
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  • 課程內容

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$4,480 按此報名:CWNA  Training Course Training 課程
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課時: 27 小時
享用時期: 9 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Larry (任教課程清單)
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課時: 27 小時
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享用時期: 9 星期。進度由您控制,可快可慢。
課堂錄影導師: Larry (任教課程清單)
在家觀看: 服務條款及守則、報讀程序及示範片段

地區 地址 電話 教育局註冊編號
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觀塘 九龍觀塘成業街 7 號寧晉中心 12 樓 G2 室 3563-8425 588571
北角 香港北角馬寶道 41-47 號華寶商業大廈 3 樓 01-02 號舖 3580-1893 591262
沙田 新界沙田石門安群街 3 號京瑞廣場 1 期 10 樓 M 室 2151-9360 604488
屯門 新界屯門屯喜路 2 號屯門柏麗廣場 17 樓 1708 室 3523-1560 592552
注意! 客戶必須查問報讀學校的教育局註冊編號,以確認該校為註冊學校,以免蒙受不必要的損失!

網絡應用的發展,已進入流動化階段,不少的超級市場、食肆、街舖及商店,早已把他們的銷售系統流動化以達到最大效益。 因此,為數不少的商業機構除建立及維護傳統的有線網絡 (Wired Network) 之外,還有極大的需求去架設無線網絡 (Wireless Network)。 I.T. 業者應趕緊了解並應用無線網絡技術,增強您的商業營運能力。

CWNP (Certified Wireless Network Professional) 是世界頂尖的無線通訊 (RF) 及無線網絡 (Wireless Network) 學術評審機構。

CWNP 機構現提供以下不同程度的無線網絡認證:

入門級別:CWS - Certified Wireless Specialist

中階級別:CWNA - Certified Wireless Network Administrator

高階級別:CWNE - Certified Wireless Network Expert

以下國際知名的商業機構要求每一位 I.T. 從業員必須考得由 CWNP 機構簽發的國際認可證書:


CWNA 是中立的認證,其考試內容均以國際認可標準機構 IEEE Standards Association 所訂明的標準為依歸,即該考試內容不謹限於某一網絡器材製造商。

CWNA Certificate Sample

在 CWNA 課程內,你將獲得無線網絡勘測 (Surveying),安裝 (Deployment) 及管理 (Administering) 等理論與技術。

本中心推出的 CWNA (Wireless) 國際認可證書課程由 Larry Chan 籌備多時,精心編排。由上堂、溫習、實習、考試研習、做試題至最後考試,均為你度身訂造,作出有系統的編排。務求真正教識你,又令你考試及格。

課程名稱: CWNA (Wireless) 國際認可證書課程 (CWNA-109)
- 簡稱:CWNA Training Course
課程時數: 27 小時 (9 堂)
適合人士: 對電腦網路安裝及使用有基本認識或有志投身 I.T. 界的人士,無線網絡服務供應商,各中小企項目經理
授課語言: 以廣東話為主,輔以英語
課程筆記: 本中心導師親自編寫英文為主筆記,而部份英文字附有中文對照。

1. 模擬考試題目: 本中心為學員提供模擬考試題目,每條考試題目均附有標準答案。
2. 時數適中: 本中心的 CWNA 國際認可證書課程時數適中,有 27 小時。 令學員能真正了解及掌握課程內容,而又能於 3 個月內考獲 CWNA 國際認可證書。
3. 導師親自編寫筆記:

由本中心已擁有 25 年教授 Microsoft / Oracle / IBM / Citrix / Linux / Unix / Juniper Networks 等相關課程的 資深導師 Larry Chan 親自編寫筆記,絕對適合考試及實際管理之用,令你無須「死鋤」如字典般厚及不適合香港讀書格調的書本。

4. 免費重讀: 傳統課堂學員可於課程結束後三個月內免費重看課堂錄影。

CWNP 機構已公佈考生必須通過以下 1 個 CWNA 相關科目的考試,才可獲發 CWNA 國際認可證書:

考試編號 科目名稱
CWNA-109 Certified Wireless Network Administrator


報考時請登入 Prometric 網站 "",登記欲報考之科目考試編號、考試日期及時間並於網上繳付本科目 "CWNA-109" 之考試費 USD$274.99。




考試合格後會收到來自 CWNP 機構的作實電郵。

考試不合格便可重新報考,不限次數。欲知道作答時間、題目總數、合格分數等詳細考試資料,可瀏覽本中心網頁 "各科考試分數資料"。

課程名稱:CWNA (Wireless) 國際認可證書課程 (CWNA-109)
- 簡稱:CWNA Training Course

1. Overview of Wireless Standards and Fundamentals
1.1 History of WLAN
1.2 Standards Organizations
1.3 Core, Distribution and Access
1.4 Communication Fundamentals
1.4.1 Understanding Carrier Signals
1.4.2 Amplitude and Wavelength
1.4.3 Frequency
1.4.4 Phase (相位)
1.5 Understanding Keying Methods
1.5.1 Amplitude Shift Keying
1.5.2 Frequency Shift Keying
1.5.3 Phase Shift Keying

2. Radio Frequency Fundamentals
2.1 Definition of Radio Frequency (RF) signal
2.2 Radio Frequency Characteristics
2.2.1 Wavelength
2.2.2 Frequency
2.2.3 Amplitude
2.2.4 Phase
2.3 Radio Frequency Behaviors
2.3.1 Wave Propagation
2.3.2 Absorption (吸收)
2.3.3 Reflection (反射)
2.3.4 Scattering (擴散)
2.3.5 Refraction (折射)
2.3.6 Diffraction (衍射)
2.3.7 Attenuation or Loss (衰減)
2.3.8 Free Space Path Loss (自由路徑損失)
2.3.9 Multipath (多路徑效應)
2.3.10 Gain (增益)
2.4 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)
2.4.1 Antenna Diversity
2.4.2 MIMO Antennas
2.4.3 Indoor MIMO Antennas
2.4.4 Outdoor MIMO Antennas
2.5 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
2.6 Return Loss
2.6.1 Impedance Mismatch
2.6.2 Significance
2.6.3 Network Performance
2.6.4 Troubleshooting

3. Radio Frequency Components, Measurements and Math
3.1 RF Components
3.1.1 Transmitter
3.1.2 Antenna
3.1.3 Receiver
3.1.4 Intentional Radiator
3.1.5 Equivalent (Effective) Isotropically Radiated Power
3.2 Units of Power and Comparison
3.2.1 Watt
3.2.2 Milliwatt (mW)
3.2.3 Decibel (dB)
3.2.4 dBi
3.2.5 dBd
3.2.6 dBm
3.3 RF Mathematics
3.3.1 Rules of 10s and 3s
3.3.2 Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
3.4 Link Budget
3.5 Fade Margin / System Operating Margin

4. Radio Frequency Signal and Antenna Concepts
4.1 Active and Passive Gain
4.2 Azimuth and Elevation Charts
4.3 Interpreting Polar Charts
4.4 RF and physical line of sight and Fresnel zone clearance
4.4.1 About LOS
4.4.2 Fresnel Zone
4.4.3 Fresnel Zone Clearance
4.5 Beamwidth
4.6 Antenna Types
4.6.1 Omnidirectional Antennas
4.6.2 Semidirectional Antennas
4.6.3 Highly Directional Antennas
4.6.4 Sector Antennas
4.7 Antenna Diversity Types
4.7.1 Spatial diversity
4.7.2 Pattern diversity
4.7.3 Polarization diversity
4.8 RF Cables
4.9 Lightning Arrestors

5. IEEE 802.11 Standards
5.1 Overview of the IEEE 802.11 Standard
5.2 IEEE 802.11 Ratified (已認可) Amendments (修正案)
5.2.1 802.11b - 1999
5.2.2 802.11a - 1999
5.2.3 Vendor’s implementation
5.2.4 802.11d - 2001
5.2.5 802.11h - 2003
5.2.6 802.11i - 2004
5.2.7 802.11j - 2004
5.2.8 802.11e
5.3 IEEE Standard 802.11 - 2012
5.3.1 802.11k - 2008
5.3.2 802.11r-2008 (FT)
5.3.3 802.11y-2008
5.3.4 802.11w - 2009
5.3.5 802.11n - 2009
5.3.6 802.11p - 2010
5.3.7 802.11s - 2011
5.3.8 802.11u - 2011
5.3.9 802.11v - 2011
5.3.10 802.11z - 2010
5.4 Post-2012 Ratified Amendments and 802.11ac
5.4.1 802.11ae-2012
5.4.2 802.11aa-2012
5.4.3 802.11ad-2012
5.4.4 802.11ac-2013
5.4.5 IEEE 802.11be
5.5 802.11-2020 Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) And Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
5.5.1 Medium access control (MAC)
5.5.2 Several physical layer (PHY)
5.5.3 Collision Avoidance in RF Networks
5.5.4 What Is the Difference Between CSMA/CA VS CSMA/CD
5.5.5 What Is RTS/CTS
5.5.6 What Is MBCA

6. Wireless Networks and Spread Spectrum Technologies
6.1 Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) Bands
6.1.1 900 MHz ISM Band
6.1.2 2.4 GHz ISM Band
6.1.3 5.8 GHz ISM Band
6.2 Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (UNII) Bands
6.2.1 UNII-1 (Lower Band)
6.2.2 UNII-2 (Middle Band)
6.2.3 UNII-2e (Exended)
6.2.4 UNII-3 (Upper Band)
6.2.5 More U-NII Bands
6.2.6 3.6GHz Band
6.2.7 4.9 GHz Band
6.2.8 Future Wi-Fi Frequencies
6.2.9 IEEE 802.11ad - 60 GHz
6.2.10 White-Fi
6.3 Narrowband (窄頻) and Spread Spectrum (擴展頻譜)
6.4 Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
6.4.1 Hopping Sequence
6.4.2 Dwell (入住) Time
6.4.3 Hop Time
6.4.4 Modulation
6.5 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
6.5.1 DSSS Data Encoding
6.5.2 Modulation
6.5.3 Packet Binary Convolutional Code
6.6 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM 正交分頻多工)
6.6.1 About OFDM
6.6.2 Convolutional Coding
6.6.3 Modulation
6.7 2.4 GHz Channels
6.8 5 GHz Channels
6.9 6 GHz Channels
6.10 Adjacent, Nonadjacent and Overlapping Channels
6.11 Throughput vs. Bandwidth
6.12 Communication Resilience

7. Wireless LAN Topologies
7.1 Wireless Networking Topologies
7.2 Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN)
7.3 Wireless Metropolitan Area Network (WMAN)
7.4 Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
7.5 802.11 Topologies
7.5.1 Access Point
7.5.2 Client Station
7.5.3 Integration Service (IS)
7.5.4 Distribution System (DS)
7.5.5 Wireless Distribution System (WDS)
7.5.6 Service Set Identifier (SSID)
7.5.7 Basic Service Set (BSS)
7.5.8 Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID)
7.5.9 Basic Service Area (BSA)
7.5.10 Extended Service Set (ESS)
7.5.11 Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS)
7.5.12 Mesh Basic Service Set
7.6 802.11 Configuration Modes
7.6.1 Access Point Modes
7.6.2 Client Station Modes

8. 802.11 Medium Access
8.2 Collision Detection
8.3 Distributed Coordination Function
8.3.1 Interframe Space (IFS)
8.3.2 Duration/ID Field
8.3.3 Carrier Sense
8.3.4 Virtual Carrier-Sense
8.3.5 Physical Carrier-Sense
8.3.6 Random Back-Off Timer
8.4 Point Coordination Function
8.5 Hybrid Coordination Function
8.6 Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA)
8.7 HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA)
8.7.1 Quality of Service (QoS)
8.7.2 Hybrid Coordination Function (HCF)
8.7.3 Centralized Scheduler
8.7.4 Traffic Categories:
8.7.5 Traffic Streams and TXOP:
8.7.6 Frame Prioritization
8.7.7 Resource Reservation
8.8 Block Acknowledgement
8.9 Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM)
8.10 Airtime Fairness
8.11 Band Steering

9. 802.11 MAC Architecture
9.1 Packets, Frames, and Bits
9.2 Data Link Layer
9.2.1 MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU)
9.2.2 MAC Protocol Data Unit
9.3 Physical Layer
9.3.1 PLCP Service Data Unit (PSDU)
9.3.2 PLCP Protocol Data Unit (PPDU)
9.4 802.11 and 802.3 Interoperability
9.5 Three 802.11 Frame Type
9.5.1 Management Frames
9.5.2 Control Frame
9.5.3 Data Frame
9.6 Beacon Management Frame
9.7 Passive Scanning
9.8 Active Scanning
9.9 Authentication
9.9.1 Open System Authentication
9.9.2 Shared Key Authentication
9.10 Association
9.11 Authentication and Association States
9.12 Basic and Supported Rates
9.13 Roaming
9.14 Reassociation
9.15 Disassociation notification and Deauthentication notification
9.16 ACK Frame
9.17 Fragmentation
9.18 Protection Mechanism
9.19 RTS/CTS
9.20 CTS-to-self
9.21 Data Frames
9.22 Power Management
9.22.1 Active Mode
9.22.2 Power Save Mode
9.22.3 Traffic Indication Map
9.22.4 Delivery Traffic Indication Message (DTIM)
9.22.5 Announcement Traffic Indicator Message (ATIM)
9.22.6 WMM Power Save (WMM-PS) and U-APSD

10. Wireless Devices
10.1 Wireless LAN Client Devices
10.1.1 Radio Card Formats
10.1.2 Radio Card Chipsets
10.1.3 Wearables
10.1.4 Client Utilities
10.2 Progression of WLAN Architecture
10.2.1 Autonomous Access Point – Intelligence Edge Architecture
10.2.2 Wireless Network Management System (WNMS)
10.3 Centralized WLAN Architecture
10.3.1 WLAN Controller
10.3.2 Lightweight AP
10.3.3 Time Synchronization via NTP
10.4 More about Wireless Lan Controller
10.4.1 WLAN Profiles
10.4.2 Virtual BSSIDs
10.4.3 VLANs
10.4.4 User Management
10.4.5 Layer 2 security support
10.4.6 Layer 3 and 7 VPN concentrators
10.4.7 Captive portal
10.4.8 Automatic failover and load balancing
10.4.9 Internal Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems
10.4.10 Dynamic RF spectrum management
10.4.11 Bandwidth management
10.4.12 Firewall Capabilities
10.4.13 Layer 3 roaming support
10.4.14 802.3-2012 Clause 33 – Power over Ethernet (PoE)
10.4.15 Endspan (Mode A) and Midspan (Mode B)
10.4.16 Management Interfaces
10.5 Split MAC
10.6 Controller Data Forwarding Models
10.6.1 Centralized or Distributed Data Forwarding
10.7 Remote Office WLAN Controller
10.8 Distributed WLAN Architecture
10.8.1 Distributed WLAN Hybrid
10.8.2 Unified WLAN Architecture
10.9 Specialty WLAN Infrastructure
10.9.1 Wireless Workgroup Bridge
10.9.2 Wireless LAN Bridges
10.9.3 Enterprise Wireless Gateway
10.9.4 Residential Wireless Gateway
10.9.5 VPN Wireless Router
10.9.6 Wireless LAB Mesh Access Points
10.9.7 Enterprise Encryption Gateway
10.9.8 WLAN Array
10.9.9 Real-Time Location Systems
10.9.10 VoWiFi

11. WLAN Troubleshooting
11.1 Layer 2 Retransmissions
11.2 RF Interference
11.3 Multipath
11.4 Adjacent (相鄰) Channel Interference
11.5 Low SNR
11.6 Mismatched Power Settings
11.7 Near / Far
11.8 Hidden Node
11.9 Coverage Considerations
11.10 Dynamic Rate Switching
11.11 Layer 2 Roaming
11.12 Layer 3 Roaming
11.13 Co-Channel Interference
11.14 Channel Reuse/Multiple Channel Architecture
11.15 Single Channel Architecture
11.16 Capacity v.s. Coverage
11.17 Oversized Coverage Cells
11.18 Physical Environment
11.19 Voice v.s. Data
11.20 Performance
11.21 Weather
11.22 Summary

12. Site Survey Instructions for WLAN Deployment
12.1 Requirements for Site Survey
12.2 Components Used and Background information
12.3 Types of Site Surveys
12.3.1 Passive Survey
12.3.2 Active Survey
12.3.3 Predictive Surveys
12.4 Prepare for the Survey
12.4.1 Identify Primary Requirements:
12.4.2 Identify Facility Requirements
12.4.3 Identify Requirements for Type of Client Devices
12.5 Plan for the Survey
12.5.1 Initial Walkthrough
12.5.2 Select Proper Survey Model
12.5.3 Determine Proper Deployment Characteristics
12.5.4 Specify the tools to complete the survey
12.5.5 Define Client Devices to be Deployed
12.5.6 Determine Physical requirements:
12.6 Checklist of Base Items to ask the Site Survey Provider
12.7 Mistakes That Cause a Poor Survey
12.7.1 Calibration
12.7.2 Signal Propagation
12.8 Survey Path
12.8.1 Incomplete Walking Path
12.8.2 Complete Walking Path
12.8.3 Considerations for Capacity
12.8.4 Channel Scan, SSID, and Adapter Type
12.9 Key Items to Check in a Post-validation Survey
12.9.1 Coverage
12.9.2 Overlap
12.9.3 Signal-to-Noise Ratio
12.9.4 Noise Floor
12.10 Bleed Through
12.11 Rogues and Interferers
12.12 Use WLC Link-Test to Assist with Coverage Assessment
12.12.1 How to check for AP coverage
12.13 Understand Wireless Data Rates
12.13.1 Coverage (Cell Size)
12.13.2 Multicast Delivery
12.14 Common Troubleshooting Scenarios
12.14.1 Verification of Signal Strength

13. High Throughput (HT) and 802.11n
13.1 802.11n-2009 Amendment
13.2 Wi-Fi Alliance Certification
13.3 MIMO
13.4 Radio Chains
13.5 Spatial Multiplexing
13.5.1 MIMO Diversity
13.6 Transmit Beamforming (TxBF)
13.7 HT Channels
13.7.1 20 MHz Non-HT and HT Channels
13.7.2 40 MHz Channels
13.7.3 Guard Interval (GI)
13.7.4 Modulation and Coding Scheme
13.7.5 HT PHY
13.7.6 HT Mixed
13.7.7 HT Greenfield
13.8 HT MAC
13.8.1 A-MSDU
13.8.2 A-MPDU
13.8.3 Block Acknowledgement
13.8.4 Reduced Interframe Space (RIFS)
13.8.5 HT Power Management
13.9 HT Operation
13.9.1 20/40 Channel Operation
13.9.2 HT Protection Mode (0-3)

14. Very High Throughput (VHT) and 802.11ac
14.1 802.11ac-2013 Amendment
14.2 5 GHZ Band Only
14.3 20 to 160 MHz Channels
14.4 256-QAM Modulation
14.5 Modulation Coding Schemes (MCS)
14.6 802.11ac VHT Data Rates
14.7 802.11ac VHT MAC
14.10 VHT Beamforming
14.11 VHT Explicit Beamforming
14.12 VHT Multi-User MIMO
14.13 VHT Multiuser Beamforming
14.14 Wi-Fi Alliance 802.11ac Certification

15. High Efficiency (HE-OFDMA) and 802.11ax (WI-FI 6/6E)
15.1 802.11ax-2021 Amendment
15.2 2.4/5/6 GHz channels (HE Physicals) and DFS
15.2.1 There are tens of thousands of deployed incumbents (現存者) in this band
15.2.2 Standard Power (SP) Access Points in the 6 GHz Band with AFC
15.2.3 Low Power Indoor (LPI) Access Points in the 6 GHz Band
15.2.4 Very Low Power (VLP) Access Points in the 6 GHz Band
15.2.5 The Wi-Fi Alliance involvement to Wi-Fi 6E
15.2.6 IEEE Rules of Operation
15.3 Sub-1-GHz channels and TV White Space (TVHT) Alternate Physicals
15.3.1 TI 15.4-Stack software
15.3.2 Wireless M-Bus protocol software
15.3.3 Protocol software for mioty technology
15.3.4 Wi-SUN software
15.3.5 Amazon Sidewalk software
15.4 Higher-order 1024-QAM Modulation
15.5 OFDMA
15.6 Downlink (DL-MU-MIMO) and Uplink MU-MIMO (UL-MU-MIMO)
15.6.1 Downlink multi-user MIMO transmission
15.6.2 Uplink MU-MIMO and combined MU-MIMO and OFDMA
15.7 Target Wake Time (TWT) and IoT devices
15.8 BSS Coloring
15.9 PoE for 802.11ax
15.10 Backhauling technology for 802.11ax
15.11 WPA3-Personal and Enterprise security enhancements
15.11.1 WPA3-Personal Recommendations
15.11.2 SAE Diffie-Hellman Group implementation recommendations:
15.11.3 Extensible Authentication Protocol Password (EAP-pwd) Recommendations
15.12 WPA3 SAE Exchange and Transition Mode
15.12.1 SAE Exchange
15.12.2 WPA3-Personal Transition Mode


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